Welcome back from Spring Break!   I hope you all had a blessed Easter!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: car, bark, star, part, dark, took, every, morning, or. The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework Monday night. They should write 10 sentences due by Wednesday. Encourage your child to be creative! Their writing skills gave grown so much! Spelling Test will be on Friday.


Phonics- Review blends and “Y” as a vowel


Language Arts– writing skills


Reading: We will read the story, New Shoes for Silvia on Tuesday. The children will read the story again at home on Tuesday night. The take home story this week is “The Star”. There will be a Reading test on Friday.


Math– time to the hour and half hour


Science- theday sky


Social Studies- good citizens

Weekly Reader– Habitats



 1AA News


The children may now wear uniform shorts and school polos. Sneakers may be worn with the shorts. Shoes must still be worn with the pants and jumpers.


Please be sure that your child completes all of his/her homework each night in their neatest handwriting.



We will be taking a class trip to the Vanderbilt Planetarium on June 3rd! The show will coincide with what we are learning about in our science curriculum.   This trip is just for the children since there is very limited seating, and will be paid for by our generous PTFA.   A permission slip will be sent home later in May.


Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday!


Have a great week!