Mrs. Flomer’s class notes for the week of April 7th:


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week:


Spelling– The new words for this week are: roof, fool, zoo, soon, cool, moon, friend, these, called, only.  The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework Monday night.  They should write 10 sentences due by Thursday.  Spelling Test will be on Friday.


Phonics– consonant blends


Language Arts– past tense verbs


Reading: We will read the story, A Friend for Little Bear on Tuesday.  The children will read the story again at home on Tuesday night. The take home story this week is “The Not Too Small Room”.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.


Math– 2d and 3d shapes


Science-Chapter 7- weather/ 4 seasons


Weekly Reader– Wind


Religion– Palm Sunday



1AA News


Our Easter Brunch is next Thursday, April 15th.  Please send in your non-perishable items by Friday, and the fruit on Monday.


Easter Recess begins next Thursday, April 17th.


The 4th quarter has begun.  Please encourage your child to do their neatest work, in class and on homework assignments.


Thank you to all who sent in supplies for your children.  Some are still in need of supplies.


Book Orders due Tuesday!  You may order online or send your order into school with your payment.


Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday morning!


Have a great week!

 A child’s love is so sweet,

A child’s love cannot be beaThe way they look you in the eye,
The way they hold you when they cry.
Believe it or not they truly care,
And no matter what they need you there.
They take good thoughts and fill up your head,
They hug and kiss you before they go to bed.
But most of all their love is true,
And always say they love you too!

Source: A Child’s Love, Children Poem