It’s hard to believe we have come to the end of our third marking quarter.  These students have come so far!

Thank you so much to all of the students for the birthday cards last week.  Extra special thanks to Mrs. Haney and Ms. Smith for bringing Kristyn, Arielle, and Kyle in early to decorate our classroom.  I really had fun celebrating with my “second family!”


Week of: March 31 – April 4

Spelling: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, august, September, October, November, December, calendar, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Vocabulary: deliberate, proceed, stun, qualify

Writing Journal Assignment:  Your family is moving!  There are two choices for the location of your new home.  One choice is to live in a skyscraper in a busy city.  The other choice is to live on a farm out in the country.  Give some thought to these two choices and write about which location you would prefer.  Your essay should be two paragraphs and it should include three reasons for the choice you make.

Math: adding angles

Science: Chapter 11, Properties of Matter

Social Studies: Chapter 8, Civil War

Reading: Ongoing free reading in class, reading notebook, conferencing

Language Arts: Subject and object pronouns

Religion: daily devotions


  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Spelling

Important News:

  • The Science test originally scheduled for this week has been postponed until Tuesday, April 8th.
  • Math Extra Help will be given on Wednesday at 7:45 am
  • If the weather begins to warm up we can start going outside for recess.  My rule is whatever you wore to school is what you will wear to the playground so please be sure to check the temperature and have your child dress accordingly.

This week’s Prayer Video: