Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: reached, fields, read, sea, piece, leaf.  The “R” book words are: before, off, our, come.  The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework Monday night.  They should write 10 sentences by Wednesday.  Use at least 5 words in each sentence.  The children may also write a story using all ten words instead of ten sentences!  Spelling Test will be on Friday.


Phonics– long vowels


Language Arts– comparative writing; review for test on unit 4 next Thursday.


Reading: We will read the story Shrinking Mouse on Tuesday. The children will read it again at home on Tuesday night. The take home story this week is “The Fox”.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.


Math- more than less than  >, <


Science– What makes up Earth?


Social Studies- Test on unit 4- book was sent home last week


Religion- Bible stories about:  Jonah and Hezekiah


Weekly Reader– Wind



1AA News


Next Monday is Green Day.  The children may wear green to school, and we will have some special green snacks!


Thank you very much to those who have already sent in new Teddy Bears for the Cancer Society to give to the sick children.  We will continue to collect them for the next 2 weeks.


The children will be participating in Jump Rope for Hearts this week in gym class.  Please send in any donations that your child has collected by the end of the week.  Information went home a few weeks ago.  The children were shown a video about the program, and how it benefits children with heart problems.


We will be having an Easter Brunch in April (the Tuesday before Easter).  I will need a few parents to help in the classroom for a couple of hours.  More information will be sent home soon.


There is Cherub choir practice this Thursday, and the children in choir will be singing at the 9:00 service this Sunday.


Have a Great Week!