Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes for the week of March 3rd!


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: sheep, three, we, tree, she, bee.  The “R” book words are: four, many, over, all.  The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework Monday night.  They should write 10 sentences by Wednesday.  Remind your child not to start every sentence with “I”, and to use at least 5 words in each sentence.  Spelling Test will be on Friday.


Phonics– long vowels


Language Arts– verbs


Reading: We will read the story The Seven Sillies on Tuesday. The children will read it again at home on Tuesday night. The take home story this week is “The Water Goat”.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.


Math- place value


Social Studies- Making goods/trade; review for unit 4 test next Wednesday


Science- Test this Thursday on chapter 5- study sheets were sent home last week


Religion- Bible stories about Jonah and Elisha


Weekly Reader– Dr. Seuss



1AA News


Our Reader of the Week is Jayden M.!


This is “Read Across America” week.  Every day this week, there will be a 15 minute time frame when everybody in the school will “Drop everything and Read” (D.E.A.R time).  We will be reading with the 4th graders on one of the days.  We are reading many Dr. Seuss stories and doing writing activities, as it is his birthday this week.  The children may bring in a book from home, or borrow one of the classroom books to keep in their desks.


Throughout the school year, each class at Trinity will be “giving back” to the community in some way.  Some classes have raised money for needy families, collected food for food pantries and soup kitchens, collected pajamas for needy children, etc.  Our class has chosen to donate to the American Cancer Society.  We would like to begin by have a Teddy Bear drive to help put smiles on the faces of children who are battling cancer.  We are asking each student to donate a new teddy bear (small or medium sized) and we will bring the bears to be delivered to the children.  Please send in a bear by Friday, March 21st.  Your generosity will be so appreciated!


Please make sure that homework is completed neatly and correctly, and is signed by a parent each night.


Have a GREAT Week!