Snow, Snow and more Snow! I hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the snow, but we miss all of you! I guess the groundhog was right when he saw his shadow on Sunday! We saw our shadows too last week:

Shadow1 Shadow2 Shadow3 Shadow4

This week we are starting our Valentine’s Day projects, including making a mailbag, a card, a salt dough necklace and painting red and white at the easel.

For religion we visited the chapel and Mrs. Funfgeld told us to remember 2 important things. 1. Jesus loves us so much! 2. Since Jesus loves us, we should all love each other!

We will be reading Valentine’s Day themed books such as Clifford’s First Valentine’s Day by Norman Bridwell and The Valentine’s Day Grump by Rose Greydanus.

Our Valentine’s Day class party sign up sheets are hanging outside the classrooms. Please sign up to bring in an item to help us celebrate. We have also sent home a class list if you would like to send in Valentine’s cards for the class.

Have a great week!

Reminder: Re-registration is now taking place. Take advantage of the early bird re-registration fee and save some money. The fee is $105 until March 1st. After March 1st, the fee increases to $145.00.

The ECC candy sale is still in progress. Please see your child’s teacher or Mrs. B Krass if you can help us sell the remaining cases! Thank you!