Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: sticks, sun, twigs, fire, snow, mud.   The vocabulary (“R” book) words are review words: under, old, eat, try.  The children will write their spelling words 3x each by Tuesday.  They should write 6 sentences by Wednesday.  Some of the children have been so creative with their sentence writing! Please make sure that they use at least 5 words in each spelling sentence, and that they do not start every sentence with the word “I”.  Spelling Test will be on Friday.


Phonics– short vowels


Language Arts- Nouns


Reading: This is a review week in Reading.   We will read the short article “Let’s Camp Out” on Tuesday. The children will read it again at home that night. The take home story this week is “The Gum Trap”.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.  We will finish Book 3 this week, and there will be a unit test.  It will follow the same format as the other unit tests.


Math-   subtracting 8 from teen numbers


Religion– Jesus’ disciples


Social Studies– life long ago- Pilgrims; map skills


Science-  Life Cycle of the butterfly


Weekly Reader– Martin Luther King Jr.

1AA News


Our Star of the Week is Justin!


The Citizen of the Month is Delainey!


The 2nd quarter ends next Friday.    I will test the children on their recognition of the sight words that are in our “R” books, short vowel sounds, as well as addition and subtraction facts.


Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday.


Please ask your child if they are in need of any school supplies.  We need sharpened pencils!


Enjoy your long weekend!  There is no school on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.



Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns: [email protected]