Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: class, drop, clap, track, trip, dress.  The vocabulary (“R” book) words are: old, any, grow, new.   Test on Friday.


Phonics– short vowels


Language Arts– irregular plural nouns


Reading: We will read the story Greg’s Mask on Tuesday.  The children will read it again at home that night. The take home story this week is “The Trash Plant”.  There will be a Reading test Friday.


Math- adding with 8 and 9; commutative property


Religion- An angel visits Mary; Jesus is born

Science- What protects plants?

Review for test next Thursday on chapter 3

Study guide will be sent home this week


Social Studies–  Unit 3- Family Life Long Ago



1AA News


Our Star of the Week is Delainey!


The Christmas Luncheon is next Wednesday for the children.  Please remember to send in a wrapped book for your child, and anything that the class moms may have asked you to contribute.  Thank you!


There is Cherub choir this Thursday.  The children are singing in church this Sunday!


Picture retakes are Wednesday.  Return your pictures if you would like them retaken.



Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]