Welcome March Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

Welcome March! Is spring really around the corner? The second graders are itching to put away the snowflakes that hang around our classroom! We welcome March and look forward to noticing the changes all around us not only indoors but outdoors as the temperatures slowly begin to warm….

The Scholastic Book Fair will be at Trinity this week on Monday and Tuesday! Second graders will visit the fair on Tuesday morning.

It’s that time of the year! Some children are in need of supplies such as pencils, erasers, glue sticks, and crayons. Reminders will be written in their planners. Thank you!

Are you interested in visiting our classroom to share some fun and read a book to our class? If so, please let me know as soon as possible so we can set up a date! We’d love to have you! Who will be our next MYSTERY READER?


Mystery Readers - Mrs. Zdziarski's Fancy 1st Grade


A Glimpse of the Week Ahead… (Please note that subjects with an * indicate assessment taking place)

English Language Arts                                                                                                          


Reading Child Cartoon Images – Browse 159,312 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

Happy Book Clipart Images | Free Download | PNG Transparent Background - PngtreeThe next two weeks we will be reading the fictional story Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars and focus on the following: 

•D.E.A.R. Time is drop everything and read time!

*Spelling Words  told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show, Joe, toe, road, know, only, our, who

Vocabulary Words  adventure, delighted, dreamed, enjoyed, grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nighttime

High Frequency Sight Words  better, group, long, more, only, our, started, three, who, won’t

Phonics Long o

Grammar past/future tense verbs

Pencil Clipart Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download•Writing daily paragraph writing

Handwriting Keys to legibility when writing in cursive





3rd grade math clipart - Clip Art Library



*Module 10 Test Tuesday 3/4

Module 12 Begins- 2-Digit Addition and Subtraction



Science/Social Studies

Our Martin Luther King Jr. acrostic poem, created collaboratively by the second graders, was shared during Trinity’s Friday morning announcements! Nathaniel, Evelyn and Zachary read with enthusiasm and pride!

•Scholastic News

•Presidents’ Day Flip Book




Religion– Chapel Wednesday

New Testament stories

3,900+ Children In Church Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art - iStock | Sunday school, Church service, Bible



God bless our week ahead!

Mrs. Antonia Ryan

[email protected]