I hope everyone had a lovely winter recess! Here are the updates for this week.
6th Religion
We will begin Unit 4, which will go from the time of Elisha prophesying to the kings, up to the Babylonian exile. This week we will learn about Elisha, who was mentored by Elijah, and shared many similarities with him. Then, we will learn about the turbulent life of the young king, Joash. The memory verse this week is Revelation 2:10b.
6th Social Studies
This week we will begin learning about Ancient Greece. We will study the early civilizations that established Greek culture, such an the Minoans and Mycenaeans, and then we will study the development of democracy in Athens.
7th Religion
On Monday, we will begin Unit 4, which will focus on Jesus. We will focus on why Jesus had to be both God and man, and how He serves as the substitute for our sins. The memory verse this week is John 1:14.
7th Social Studies
The students will take their test on Topic 5- The early Republic, on Tuesday, February 25th. Then, they will research the nation’s first African American government officials.
8th Religion
This week we will begin Unit 4, which will go into the era of the kings. We will start off by studying the split of Judah and Israel, and we will study how the actions of Rehoboam and Jeroboam affected several generations after them. Then, we will study the life and ministry of Elijah, focusing specifically on how God took care of his physical, spiritual, and mental health. The memory verse this week is Isaiah 41:10.
8th Social Studies
The students will take their test on Topic 12 on Tuesday, February 25th. Then, they will research prominent African American military leaders.