7 Math:  This week we will begin our 3D Geometry unit.  We will be learning about cross sections and surface area.  There will be a quiz Friday on surface area.

Life Science:  The 9.1 quiz is on Monday.  This week we will be learning about domains and kingdoms.  We also will be starting a project on the how organisms are classified.   The 9.2 quiz will be on Friday.  The chapter 9 test will be on Wednesday, 2/26 when we return from break.

Living Environment:  This week we will be learning about how organisms are classified.  The chapter 18 quiz will be on Friday, 2/14.  The unit 5 test will be on Thursday, 2/27 when we return from break.

Earth Science:  This week we will begin chapter 8 learning about what earthquakes are.  The 8.1 quiz will be on Friday, 2/14.

Physical Science:  The 13.2 quiz will be on Tuesday, 2/11.  This week in class we will be learning about covalent and metallic bonds.