Hello everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and happy February! Please continue to check green folders for any important notices. This week we are filled will lots of exciting things to learn. Please Dojo me for any questions or concerns. 


Spelling – 3x each is due on Wednesday and our spelling test is on Friday. This weeks words are: mail, rain, chain, play, way, day, took, hood, our, carry


Math – We will be continuing module 10 about place value. We have 2 lessons left and with our review days, the math test for module 10 will be on Tuesday the 11th.


ELA – Reading test is on Thursday. We have now entered the fourth unit in our series. This is when the curriculum begins to add in vocabulary to their tests and a writing part. I will be putting the 2 vocabulary words they will have to know for Thursday on here. The writing part is just one question in the test about the story. This week we are moving towards vowel teams. This week is long a’s vowel teams which are /ai/ and /ay/. We also will be learning about ABC order when we have two words with the same letter. We have actually gone over this before and they are very good at it. This weeks HF words are: about, animal, carry, eight, give, our. Their vocabulary words are special – not like other things and splendid – wonderful


Writing – We are on week 2 of our writing curriculum and still working on giving our illustrations detail to match our stories.


Social Studies – We will be discussing presidents week, specifically talking about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This month is also Black History Month. For this we will be learning about what accomplishments black people have accomplished. Each child will be assigned a famous black historian. They will have a sheet that they must complete with information about their person at home. We will also be doing another project in school about their person!


Religion – We will be learning about the stories of “David Helps Mephibosheth” and “Solomon’s Prayer”.


Important Dates – FAST on Friday – Dress Down $5 on Friday