Welcome to another great week…

Religion: The life of Jesus, daily devotions
Reading: We are enjoying How To Steal A Dog. Packet will be graded. Please be sure your student is reading the chapter and completing the page if it is assigned for homework.
We are individually reading our second ‘red reading table’ book. A writing activity will be completed for this book choice.
Grammar: Proper and Common nouns
Wriitng: Opinion writing: Writing process. The videos that explain opinion writing are in tihe ELA googgle classroom if your student wishes to watch them again. Journal writing
Math: CH. 11 Divide fractions and whole numbers. Reteach sheets are in the math Google classroom if you need them. Quiz Wed. Test Thursday.
SS: Unit 2: Lesson 2
Science: Unit 2 Watery Planet: We will complete the activity for lesson 1 and begin lesson 2
test upon completion of unit. Vocabulary quiz will be Jan. 31

We will be taking the Terra Nova exams 1/21 to 1/24
Spirit week/ Lutheran School Week is 1/27-1/31
Please send your child with the proper jacket, hat.ect for chilly but clear weather. We will try to get outside, even for a little while, if the temperature allows. Thanks.
Work Back Wed. Folders will go home. Please empty, sign the chart, and return.
Have a wonderful week!