Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families,

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:

ELA: This week we will begin our next read-aloud I Survived the American Revolution, 1776, by Lauren Tarshis. There will be a book based project that will be due on Friday 1-17. This will be counted as a test grade for this trimester. There are vocabulary words that accompany the book. There will be a vocabulary test on 1/22. In writing we will begin our study of opinion writing, answering the question: Did the patriots have the right to rebel against England? In grammar we will be learning about present tense verbs.

Math: This week in math we are finishing Module 11, Fractions Equivalence and Comparison. The quiz for Module 11 will be on 1-16, and the test will be on 1-17. Please help them helpful handouts, videos, charts, reteach pages, and the HW can all be found on Google Classroom and are excellent resources.

Religion: This week we will be learning about the miracles and life of Jesus.

Social Studies: This week we will continue our study of the American Revolution. We will also begin our Revolution Bottle Biography Project. This project will be counted as 2 projects, one for the project and one for the presentation. Projects are due on Wednesday February 5th. We will be presenting on February 5th and 6th.

Science: This week in science we will begin our next unit of study, Animal and Plant Adaptations. In this unit, students explore the adaptations of animals and plants. Students investigate how the external and internal structures of an organism work together as an interconnected system that aid in their growth and survival. They also use models to explore how a combination of instincts and memories influence animal behavior.


Ms. Stainkamp