Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I can’t wait to see the kids back in school this week and hear all about their break.
This week we will spend some time reviewing the rules and routines of school. We will review letters, numbers, shapes, prayers, and expectations in the classroom. For religion we will learn about Epiphany. We will read a short story about Epiphany and work on a Scholastic Reader about the winter season. To review our shapes, we will make a melted snowman craft out of different shapes. We will also talk about the New Year and what it means to make resolutions and we will start to talk about Martin Luther King. Lastly, the children will work on some winter seasonal crafts.
Our prayer for the month of January is: “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Thank you, Lord, for feeding me. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Thank you, Lord, for being my friend. Amen.”
Parent Teacher Conferences are on Friday, January 17th. There is no school on that day for students. A sign up sheet will be sent out this week.
Here are some important upcoming dates and reminders:
~ January 17th – Parent Teacher Conferences
~ January 20th – NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Day
Have a Blessed Day!
Miss Seleena