Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families,
Merry Christmas! I hope that you all had a wonderful well deserved break! We will be focusing much of our learning around the American Revolution.
Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:
ELA: This week we will begin our next read-aloud I Survived the American Revolution, 1776, by Lauren Tarshis. There will be a book based project that will be due on Friday 1-17. This will be counted as a test grade for this trimester. There are vocabulary words that accompany the book. There will be a vocabulary test once the book has been completed. In writing we will begin our study of opinion writing, answering the question: Did the patriots have the right to rebel against England? In grammar we will be starting our study of verbs.
Math: This week in math we are focusing on Module 11, Fractions Equivalence and Comparison. The quiz for Module 11 will be on 1-16, and the test will be on 1-17. Please help them Helpful handouts, videos, charts, reteach pages, and the HW can all be found on Google Classroom and are excellent resources.
Religion: This week we will be learning about the miracles of Jesus.
Social Studies: This week we will continue our study of the American Revolution. We will begin to learn about the major battles, and influential people.
Science: This week in science we will review for our test on the Birth of Rocks. The test will be on 1-10.
Ms. Stainkamp