I hope everyone had a great weekend and thought about all the amazing men and women who have fought for our country and freedom!

Joke of the week: What do you call a fake noodle?

Language Arts-  Due to the short week, we will review our Wonders series. We will review blending sounds, beginning sounds and review sight words: a, at, can, go, I, it, in, like, see, the, to, we. In grammar, we will review nouns and verbs and we will practice rhyming.

Language Arts Centers- We will continue with language arts centers, Wednesday and Fridays we will work in groups to reinforce what we are learning throughout the week! This week our centers will focus on blends and rhyming.

Math- This week we will continue Module 5- Add To and Take From Within 5.

Quick Math– We will continue with math centers this week as well. Those will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. We call it “Quick Math” because it is a quick review of what we have been learning throughout the week. We will reinforce adding!

Jesus Time- We will continue to enjoy Mrs. Leahy’s children’s Bible and watch videos to retell us the story we read!

Science/Social Studies: We will make thankful turkeys and talk about the things we are thankful for.

Song of the Week: Counting My Blessings by Seph Schlueter

Answer: an impasta!

Friday there is NO SCHOOL, we have parent teacher conferences. Please sign up for a time if you have not done so already.