I hope everyone had a great weekend, this weather is confusing but I’ll take it!

Joke of the week: What is the most musical vegetable?

Language Arts- This week we will begin Unit 2 in our Wonders series. Our essential question is: How do tools help us explore? We will be opening our lessons by blending sounds together and distinguishing beginning sounds. We will read “The Handiest Things in the World” and “Discover with Tools”. While reading we will make connections between the tools we see and how we use some of them in our everyday lives; and the two vocabulary words we will learn are: tools and discover. We will learn two new sights words, “a” and “in”. In grammar, we will learn and review all nouns- person, places, things and animals.

Math- This week we will complete in Unit 3- Count and Sequence Numbers to 5 and our test will be on Tuesday 10/21.

Jesus Time- We will continue to enjoy Mrs. Leahy’s children’s Bible and watch videos to retell us the story we read!

Science: We will complete a Scholastic on emotions and the different ones we can feel daily.

Song of the Week: Good God Almighty by Crowder

Answer: The beet!

Have a wonderful week! Reminder please send in the money and permission slip for our class trip by Tuesday 10/21 & NO SCHOOL November 1st due to teachers Professional Development Day!