Welcome to Mrs. Ryan’s second grade Class Notes!
Important Notes:
Be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep each night and let’s not forget how important a healthy breakfast is in the morning before school! We will break for snack time each morning around 10:00 a.m. Remember to pack a snack and a refillable water bottle each day. Please initial your child’s planner each night.
Friday Oct. 4: Dress Down Day-$5- Proceeds support cancer research
Monday Oct. 7: Picture Day!
Dear Lord,
As we begin a new week, a new month…keep my mind focused, my heart pure, and my spirit aligned with your word. Fill my lips with thanksgiving and praise of the great works you have done as we look forward to this new month of October.
A Glimpse of the Week Ahead…
English Language Arts
•Reading We will complete the chapter book read aloud Herbie Jones Sails into Second Grade ( parts of speech, figurative language, reading for details, making predictions, reread to clarify, cause/effect, and citing evidence from the text will be explored further this week)
•Grammar commands and exclamations* Quiz Friday on fragments/sentences, statements/questions, commands/exclamations
• Phonics consonants and short vowels*Quiz Friday
•Writing writing sentences in our Writer’s Notebook
•Handwriting review of manuscript letters Ll, Ii, Tt, Oo
Math *Addition/Subtraction fact Quiz this week
•Making a tens fact to add/subtract
•Adding 3 numbers using mental strategies and properties
• Curiosity Wheel: asking questions is the first step to learning new things!
•Mystery Science STEAM Lab: Biodiversity and Classification
Social Studies
•We are learning The Star-Spangled Banner!
• Pledge of Allegiance- The American Flag
Religion- Chapel Wednesday
• Words to help guide our prayers: thank, praise, sorry, please
•The Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
•Prayer Books
Scholastic News will be read weekly on Fridays beginning in October
God bless our week ahead!
Mrs. Antonia Ryan