Welcome to pre-kindergarten! It was so nice to meet everyone last week. All the children seemed to adjust well and quickly to being in school. We are all so excited to spend this school year together!!
This week will be our first full week of school. We will start to explore different concepts and topics on a weekly basis. This week, we will be focusing on the concepts: the color red, the shape of a circle, numbers 0 and 1, apples, the parts of an apple, and math patterns using unit cubes. We will also enjoy listening to and discussing stories themed around the school experience. We explore the feelings – happy, sad and mad – and share our experiences with our classmates. Our vocabulary words for this week are: class, teacher, name and school. Our Jesus time lessons for the week will focus on days one, two and three of the Creation story from the Bible. We will sing and learn the songs of praise, “Jesus Loves Me” and “The B I B L E.”
In addition, we will begin special subject classes this week. We will get to enjoy Gym class on Wednesdays and both Library and Art classes on Thursdays outside of our regular classroom activities. Homework will also begin this week. Every Monday a packet will be sent home. The packet is due back in class completed by the following Monday. Homework will be practice work to reinforce the week’s concepts at home.
We are looking forward to a fun and productive week in pre-kindergarten!