Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing moms!! I hope you all have a well deserved day of rest and pampering.
This week we will be learning about fruits, different fruits/parts of fruits. We will be making a fruit salad at the end of the week to enjoy together so please let me know if there are any fruits that your child CAN NOT have.
We will continue reviewing shapes, letters, numbers and colors that we’ve learned this year. We will continue practicing for our moving up ceremony too!
For Jesus time we will be learning about the 1st Pentecost.
Wednesday: library and chapel
Important dates:
May 23rd: Professional Development for teachers, no school for students
May 24: No school, Memorial Day weekend
May 27th: Memorial Day, No School
May 31: ECC picnic, Theodore Roosevelt Park
Happy Sunday
Miss Mary and Miss Punam