Happy May everyone! We are getting so close to the end of the year, it is so hard to believe! In Springtime everything is starting to grow so our new unit for this month will be plants. We will start this week with the plant life cycle and the importance of bees. In the coming weeks we will learn about how fruits and vegetables grow and all about flowers.
This coming Sunday is Ascencion Sunday so we will be learning this week about Jesus going back to Heaven. We will also begin practicing our closing program in the chapel this week.
Special Person’s Day is this Friday at 10am. If you have not sent in your form please do so immediately. We need to know who will be in attendance to make sure every child has a special person with them.
For the remainder of the year we will continue to practice letter recognition in preparation for pre-k.
Monday is library so please remember to send in last week’s book.
Have a blessed week everyone!