Welcome back!!!!!
I hope you all had a very enjoyable Easter and spring break!! We have a fun and exciting week ahead!
This week we will be learning the letter Xx, the sound and the sign for it. X is for x-ray and Xylophone. We will continue reviewing all of the letters, numbers, shapes, colors etc. that we’ve learned since September.
We will also be learning the lifecycle of a frog, and doing frog crafts to be proudly displayed on the community wall in ECC.
For Jesus time, our topic this week is “Jesus appears to 2 disciples.”
Monday is the solar eclipse. There will be no outdoor activities after 12pm. The afternoon children will be given special eyewear. If you choose to pick up your child early from school they will dismiss at the morning dismissal, and they need a note letting us know that they will be leaving early.
Wednesday is our trip to the Long Island Aquarium. I am so excited! Please give yourself plenty of travel time, and do your best to be on time. The staff likes everyone to be there so they can let us in together. We do stand outside waiting and it can get chilly, so please do your best to be on time. Once inside you can walk around freely. You can stay later than 1pm too.
See you tomorrow!
Miss Mary and Miss Punam