Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 18/3/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/18/24. This week they will have a test on March 19th. We will also begin the chapter on Time in Spanish. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.


Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para séptimo grado para la semana de 18/3/24. Hello and welcome to 7th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/18/24. This week we will go into the chapter on Sports in Spanish. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.


Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para octavo grado para la semana de 18/3/24. Hello and welcome to 8th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/18/24. This week we will focus on vocabulary  for the FLACS exam. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.