Dear Parents,

We had fun the past week learning about different types of transportation and learning about the color yellow and the square shape.  They loved painting with cars!

This week we will be teaching the children about the life cycle of a frog.  They will learn about the different stages of the frog life cycle. We will also be learning about the color green and the triangle shape.  The children will learn how to make the color green by mixing the colors blue and yellow together.  We are also going to make our own green play dough to take home.

This week we will have chapel with Mr. Stainkamp.  We will learn all about Johnny Appleseed.


  • Please note that school is in session on Monday, Sept. 25th.  Only public schools are closed.  
  • Sept. 26th – Please wear Green in support of Farmingdale School District and Community
  • Don’t forget to empty folders each night.

Have a Blessed Day!

Mrs. Agosta & Ms. Madden