Hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is what we will be learning this week and some important notices. Please continue to check their take home folders every night for important forms. Since last Friday was their first test I would like to ease them in more of taking tests every week. Therefore, we will have our Reading test this Thursday (9/28) but NO Spelling homework or test this Friday. I think it is still too soon to have two tests in a week. Any questions or concerns please Dojo or email me. [email protected] 

Spelling – NO homework or test on Friday. We will start back up next week.
Math – We will continue our first module on addition this week and our first math test is going to be Tuesday, October 3rd.
ELA – We will go over concepts, high frequency words, and phonics to prepare for our test on Thursday. Keep studying those HF words.
Writing – Last week we started our writing in our journals! We do them at least twice a week with two different prompts. For example on Friday students wrote about what their favorite season is and drew a picture to go along with it. They do this independently and seem to really enjoy it! Here are some pictures of students work. 


Social Studies/ Science – So it isn’t broken up I have decided to do finish one unit of Science, then do one unit of Social Studies and switch each time. I am starting with Science. We are learning about Animals Superpowers. Such as how they use their bodies to eat, camouflage, and more! We learn this through videos, worksheets, and hands on activities!
Important Dates

Demi Anns birthday is on Monday! — Reading test on Thursday — FAST Athletics on Friday