Hope everyone had a great weekend! This week is a new week to learn more and create more connections in our classroom. Homework starts this week and will be every night (except this ONLY Tuesday and always Fridays!) Continue to always check their take home folders every night for important notices or homework.

Spelling – A list of spelling words will be stapled today in their “S” books. These words must be written 3x each by Friday and their spelling test on these words are Friday as well. Usually 3x each would be due Wednesday and spelling test on Friday. However, since Back to school night is on Tuesday I don’t want the children having homework that night. These are the list of words here as well: man, can, nap, tap, cat, hat, not, does.

Math – We will continue with our first module and will have homework tonight in their take home folders.

ELA – We will begin our story Nate and Sam today. We are still working on our phonemic awareness and fundations.

Writing – We will be doing handwriting at least 3 times a week. Students do this independently to practice and neaten up their handwriting skills.

Science/Social Studies – We will start our science this week on MysteryScience and in Social Studies we will be learning about our rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Important Dates – Back to school night tomorrow starting in the church at 7:00pm

3x each and spelling test Friday.