Welcome back to our fist FULL week of classes! Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

This week in religion we are starting our study of Genesis. We will look at creation, Adam and Eve’s fall into sin, and the awful sibling rivalry of Cain and Abel. Throughout each of these lessons we will see God’s grace as He promises a Savior from the very beginning. The memory verse for the quiz on Friday is Ephesians 4:32.

6th Social Studies

In Social Studies, we will continue our unit on prehistory, but this week we will look at migration patterns and how the first civilizations developed. As I told the students in class, most of the information in this unit is theory, since we do not have concrete evidence or written records to reference, but we are still able to piece together much of the puzzle through the artifacts that were left behind.

7th Religion

This week we will be studying who God is and what we can know about Him through the stories of Elijah the Old Testament prophet, and Paul the Apostle preaching at the Areopagus in Athens. The memory verse for the quiz on Friday is Ephesians 4:32.

7th Social Studies

Last week we began studying the early civilizations of Central and South America, and we will continue learning about the Aztec and Inca. Then, we will study the culture groups of the Indigenous peoples of the United States. Toward the end of the week we will study the trade networks between Asia, Africa, and Europe, and discuss how this led to Europeans claiming land in the Americas.

8th Religion

This week we will continue studying creation and Adam and Eve’s fall into sin, and then we will read about the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel. These stories show us the importance of obedience to God, but also that He is loving and will forgive us when we have sinned. The memory verse for the quiz on Friday is Ephesians 4:32.

8th Social Studies

This week in social studies, we will look at the election of Abraham Lincoln and the outbreak of the Civil War. The students will watch a portion of Ken Burns’ epicĀ Civil War series called Secessionitis to get a better picture of what happened. They will also do a brief research activity on the main military leaders of the Civil War.