Hello May! I hope everyone had a good weekend, despite all that nasty rain!

Joke of the Week: Why can’t a leopard hide?

Song of the Week-  Amen by Matthew West

Language Arts- This week we will wrap up Unit 8 of our Wonder’s series. Our essential question is, What do you see in the sky? & we will read, Bringing Down the Moon. We will review sight words – what, this, want, me, here and we will focus on the letters /qu/, /y/, /z/  Yy & ZZ and their sounds. We will continue to determine the missing sounds in CVC words, count how many words in a sentence and read in small groups and have reading homework. We will continue to review all the different word families and in grammar, we will review the different prepositions, telling where something is. Ex. The book is next to the lamp.

Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading and CVC words.

Math- This week we will begin Module 13– Ways to Make 10.

Math Centers- We will do addition and subtraction problems.

Jesus Time- We will read about Jesus’s disciples and how Jesus used them to help others on Earth after Jesus went back to heaven.

Science: This week will learn about seeds and keep and eye on our seeds that we planted on Friday! We will continue to water them and keep them by the sun to help them grow! We will also learn about how seeds can make different plants, vegetables and fruits.

Answer: Because he’s always spotted!

Have a great week!