I know many students and parents are working hard on our new Math program.  Trinity is planning to have an evening event for parents so that we can assist you on assisting your children.  It is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th but more information will be sent out by the front office.

Last Friday we joined 4AA for Social Studies Friday.  The classes made models of Native American longhouses, researched Native American children from different tribes, and created replicas of deerskin paintings and vests.  We are using some of the work for a hallway display for the month of November.

Week of: October 28 – November 1

Spelling: flute, view, student, whose, clue, human, juice, few, true, tube, truth, glue, dew, lose, tulip, used, due, fruit, music, rule

Vocabulary:  colossal, drowsy, marine, reflect

Writing Journal Assignment:  No journal assignment this week.

Math: Metric length, mass, and capacity measurements

Science: Where is Earth’s Water?; Weather

Social Studies: The Iroquois League

Reading: Ongoing free reading in class, reading notebook, conferencing

Language Arts:  Test on unit 1

Religion: daily devotions


  • Wednesday – Language Arts, Unit 1
  • Friday – Memory Quiz, Spelling

Important News:

  • Student pictures will be taken on Tuesday at 10:05 am.
  • There is no school on Thursday due to a Professional Conference Day for teachers.
  • We will have our Fall Party on Friday at 1:30 pm.  Special thanks to Mrs. Ginyard for coordinating this event.

This week’s Prayer Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8cX6SHtxeE