Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and a restful break. We are getting right back into the swing of things on Monday, so here are the updates for each of my classes.

6th Religion

Sixth grade will learn about Queen Esther saving her people on Monday, and then we will begin reviewing for the Unit 4 test. The test will be on Monday, April 24th. The students will complete a review on Tuesday, and we will go over it together in class. The memory verse for this week is Esther 4:14.

6th Social Studies

In social studies this week, we will be wrapping up our study of the Roman republic. The students will do a research activity on the main figures of the Punic Wars and the later Roman republic, then we will learn about the actions that led to the fall of the republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. On Friday, the students will begin their topic 7 review. The test will be on Wednesday, April 26th.

7th Religion

Our very first lesson back from Easter break is quite appropriate. We will learn about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and what that means about Him and us. Then, we will get into studying the second coming of Christ through the parable of the ten virgins. The last topic for the week will be studying the different names for Jesus in the Bible, and what those tell us about Him. The memory verse for this week is 2 Corinthians 5:17.

7th Social Studies

Before the break, we focused on what is commonly known as the Jacksonian Era, and the second half of the chapter will focus on Westward Expansion. The students will read through primary source documents relating to the Trail of Tears, then they will do a research activity looking at the different regions and territories that were settled in the 19th century. Later in the week we will get into the changes to transportation that transformed the country, and then the settlement of the Oregon Country.

8th Religion

On Monday, we will study God’s people returning to Judah after being in captivity for many years, and the process of rebuilding the Temple. On Tuesday, the students will begin their Trimester 3 project, designing a house of worship. The students will be tasked with designing and building a model of a temple or church based on the original temple in Jerusalem. They will work on this in class. The memory verse for this week is Romans 8:18.

8th Social Studies

This week in social studies we will focus mainly on the Homefront during World War II. We will learn about how civilians contributed to the war effort, and the students will also do an activity with World War II cartoon and comic book propaganda. To help give the students an idea of the distribution of Allied and Axis Powers, the students will be working on maps of the European and Pacific theaters of battle.