Welcome to the last week of March! Where did March go? Thankfully it looks like we are done with lion weather, because this weekend was definitely lamb weather! I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy it.
This week we finish our last topic in Growing up Healthy unit, Staying Safe. We will read Always Stay Safe, and Please Play Safe. Our vocabulary words will be: accident, caution, danger, emergency, harm, injury, and safety.
Our letter for this week is Ww. We will practice writing W, create a list of Ww words, and have Ww show and tell on Friday.
For math this week we will look at the topic “How can we share?”, showing how numbers can be divided into equal parts.
During Jesus time this week we will hear the story of Jesus healing a blind man. We will also continue learning the Lord’s Prayer, we have almost learned the whole thing! We will also talk about Palm Sunday which will be next Sunday.
Our sight words for this week are “we” and “not”.
Reminder for this week: our Easter program will be this Thursday 9:15-10:15.
Have a blessed week everyone!