Welcome back to a new week! Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

This week we will be finishing up our lesson on Jeremiah, “the weeping prophet,” and beginning our study of the book of Daniel. This will start a series of lessons based on the time of the Babylonian Captivity. The memory verse this week is Isaiah 40:8.

6th Social Studies

To start the week, the students will present their research on figures from Greek/Roman mythology. Then, we will begin studying the Roman Republic, which had a major influence on the structure of the American government.

7th Religion

The students will have their test on Unit 3 on Monday, March 27th. Then, we will begin Unit 4, which will focus on Jesus being both true God and true Man. There is no memory verse this week.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will complete their research projects on the figures we will study in Topic 6, such as Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Sequoyah, and many others. They will present on Tuesday. Then, we will begin topic 6 with the controversial presidency of Andrew Jackson. We will study both the immediate and long term impacts of his actions.

8th Religion

The students will take their test on Unit 4 on Monday, then we will begin unit 5, which will mainly focus on the time of the Babylonian Captivity. We will study the kings of Judah leading up to their capture, and then we will study the prophecies of Ezekiel, which both encourage and warn the people. There is no memory verse this week.

8th Social Studies

Toward the end of Topic 13, the students worked on answering questions about primary source documents from the Great Depression. This week, we will use those documents to write an essay in class. This will count as a second test grade for Topic 13. Then, we will begin our study of World War II by researching the background and actions of the main leaders of World War II. They will make predictions about whether each person will be considered a hero or villain of history at the end of our study. The students might be familiar with some of these people, but they will learn much more about who they really were and why they did what they did.