We Made it to spring!!!!

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend, it was a beautiful one!

Friday was an amazing day! That little leprechaun made a big,big mess in our classroom and ECC 2’s as well. He did leave us some silver “coins” (cookies) and lucky charms because he was not sharing his gold! I hope you heard all the stories!

This week we will be learning about the letter Yy. We will also be talking about springtime and searching for signs everyday. We will continue graphing our weather to see if we have more “lion” or “lamb” days at the end of March.

We will also be learning about ducks and doing an experiment on how ducks stay dry!

Jesus time will be how children praise Jesus.


Mon. 3/20: the WINGO donation of $10 is due.. info on our class DOJO

Wed. 3/22: library and chapel..please send in the books from last week.

Fri. 3/24: NO SCHOOL.. professional development day for teachers

Mon: 4/3: our Easter program…all students are welcome

Easter Break starts 4/4- 4/14

Enjoy your Sunday!

Miss Mary and Miss Punam