Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families!  

The 4th graders have a busy week ahead! Please take a moment to review what we will be covering over this week. It is important that students bring in a charged chromebook to school each day. 

Our Physical Education Special on Tuesday has been moved to Thursdays at 10:40-11:20 for the month of February. Please be sure that your child wears sneakers on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s for January. As the weather begins to get colder please ensure that your child is bringing an appropriate jacket to school each day. We will be going outside every day we can, it is important that your child is dressed appropriately.  

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week: 

ELA: This week in ELA we will be using the Wonders curriculum. We will be completing Unit 2, text set 3 focusing on reading poems and answering the question, how are writers inspired by animals?  We will be several poems titled, “Dog,” “The Eagle,” “Chimpanzee,” a. We will also begin deconstructing expository texts, and continuing to work on synthesizing sources to support our claim.  

Math: This week in math we will continue working in module 12, Relate Fractions and Decimals. Please remember to check google classroom for reteach pages, HW, and helpful handouts or videos. Students are encouraged to practice their fact fluency each night. It is vital that students are familiar and comfortable with their multiplication facts. 

Religion: This week we are continuing our unit on the Life of Jesus. We will be talking about his life and his ministries.  

Social Studies: We will be beginning Chapter 5, A New Nation, introducing us to the battles of the War of 1812, and the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. We will also be completing a Junior Ranger Program based on Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore, MD.   

Science: This week we will be testing our STEAM boats that we created on Friday. We will also be continuing our research on sound waves. 

I am looking forward to a fantastic week with a fabulous group of fourth graders. 


Ms. Stainkamp