Hello, everyone, and welcome back to a new week. Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

This week we will be studying lessons that will emphasize the importance of repentance, and honoring God above all. We will study the stories of David and Bathsheba, their son Solomon, and the split of Israel and Judah. There is no new memory verse for this week, as the quiz from last week was postponed due to Spirit Week activities.

6th Social Studies

As Black History Month begins on Wednesday, we will begin studying Ancient African Kings. We will start off with the most well known, Mansa Musa, and then the students will do research projects to learn more about the men who led some of the wealthiest and most powerful empires in the history of the world, one who actually served as the inspiration for the Lion King.

7th Religion

This week the students will continue working on their trimester two project, writing a children’s book on Creation. There is no memory verse this week.

7th Social Studies

This week we will finish Topic 4, which has been all about the Constitution. Their test will be on Friday, February 3rd. Next week the students will begin research projects on prominent African American government officials.

8th Religion

The lessons this week will revolve entirely around King David. The lessons will emphasize the importance of making God our priority, and the importance of repenting when we have sinned. There is no memory verse this week.

8th Social Studies

This is a big week in eighth grade social studies as we will begin the week learning about U.S. involvement in Latin America, and then we will begin studying World War I. This will include a classroom friendly trench warfare demonstration using paper as ammunition, desks to form the trenches, and each student will represent soldiers from a specific country involved in the war. It might sound chaotic, but it truly demonstrates the nature of hte war and how it resulted in a rather long stalemate.