Last week we explored the Arctic. We learned about how the animals that live there have adapted to the harsh arctic environment. This week we will explore the South Pole and Antarctica. We will learn about the animals that live in this other frozen region of the world.
Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere around Antarctica. We will enjoy many penguin themed learning activities this week and enjoy many books written about penguins. As a fun way to conclude our unit of study on ice, we will create homemade ice cream using an ice cream churning ball. We will enjoy a little ice cream social towards the end of this week to celebrate the science of ice and ice cream making!
This week is Lutheran School’s week. Each day will have a theme to dress up to and enjoy. Monday, January 23 is Pajama Day! Wear your favorite, comfortable pajamas. Tuesday, January 24 is Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat Day. Let’s see your craziest, silliest, most fun hair or hat! Wednesday, January 25 is Heritage Day. Dress to represent your heritage and bring in a food item that represents your heritage to share with your class. Thursday, January 26 is 80’s Day. Represent the 80’s in your most creative way!
Don’t forget! This Friday is Parent / Teacher conference day. Conferences will be held in person in the classroom. There will be no classes on Friday.