I hope everyone had a nice extended weekend!
Joke of the Week: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Song of the Week- People Need People by CAIN
Language Arts- This week we will complete Unit 4 of our Wonder’s series. Our essential question is, How can people help to make your community better? We will read, Roadwork. We will learn a new sight word – my and we will focus on the letter Pp and the long and short a sound. We will continue to blend sounds to make a word and identifying the middle sounds in words. In grammar, we will continue to learn about adjectives and this week we will use size to describe.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be sight words and determining the missing sounds in words.
Math- This week we will finish Chapter 6 – Put Together and Take Apart Within 5 and have our test on Thursday.
Math Centers-We will practice addition and subtraction problems.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read about Jesus growing up and all the wonderful stories he told and miracles he preformed.
Science: This week we will dive into Mystery Science and learn about why we get hiccups!
Have a great week!
Answer: Gummy bear!