Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and enjoyed the Christmas break with your families.

This week we will welcome the children back to school with some fun activities.  We will discuss the changes in the weather as winter has approached and have them dress the characters on the “weather clothing felt board.”  One of the changes winter brings is the changing of water to ice.  For our science project, we will have the children make ice so they can understand what happens to water in very cold weather. We will also make a melted snowman craft so the children will understand what happens to ice/snow when the weather gets warmer.  The students will learn about the letter Ii for ice and the sound it makes.

During Math we will sing “The Five Chilly Snowmen.”  The children will also work on their math skills by adding the correct number of buttons on their snowman during the math center.

For religious instruction, we will discuss Three Kings Day.  This day is the final celebration with which the 12 days of Christmas end on January 6.  It is believed that on this day, the three wise men first saw baby Jesus and presented him with symbolic gifts.


  • January 3rd – School resumes
  • January 16th – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL
  • January 27th – Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL

Have a Blessed Day!

Mrs. Agosta & Ms. Madden