Hello Parents! Christmas is right around the corner and that means so is all of our Holiday festivities! I can’t believe our Christmas Program is already here! Where did the time go?! Also, please continue to keep your child home if they are not feeling their best. Even though it may not be Covid, there are symptoms and other virus’ that can still be contagious. We are all in this together!

From what i’ve heard, the Santa breakfast was a success! I can’t wait to see everyone’s pictures and hear all about it.

Important Dates and Reminders:

  1. We are so grateful for all of the empty cereal boxes that were sent in! If you have any extras, we would love to receive more! The more the better!
  2. December 8th- Pre-K Christmas program from 9:30 am – 11:00 am. Doors will open at 9:20 am.  Please have your child dress in their best holiday attire. Two children per child are invited to attend. If you plan on taking your child home after the program, please let me know as soon as possible.
  3. December 19th- Christmas PJ/Movie day
  4. December 20th- Ugly sweater day/Class Christmas party! More details to come on our ClassDojo.
  5. December 21st – January 2nd- Christmas Break! School will resume on January 3rd.

We are going to continue getting into the holiday spirit by reading various holiday books such as “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and “Snowmen at Christmas”. This Sunday is the second night of Advent. We will be “lighting” our second advent candle in school and discussing what peace means. Please also light your second candle at home!

We will be learning the letter Jj and continue to review numbers 1-10, colors and shapes. We will be reading two different Reindeer books as well as some about Snowmen! We will continue finishing up all of our Christmas presents we are creating. They will be presents the children can give to their families. Lastly, we will recap our week in our weekly Journals.

For music and movement, we will continue practicing our Christmas songs that we will be singing in our Christmas program and follow a festive guided dance using GoNooodle.com.

For Jesus time, we will continue our December prayer which is taken from the last verse in the song Away in a Manger. Mrs. Gonzalez will teach the children about Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem. She will also discuss how Jesus was born.


Art: Tuesday from 9:15 – 9:45

Gym:  Wednesday from 11:25 – 11:55

Chapel: Every other Wednesday at 9:30

Library: Thursday from 11:25 – 11:55

Computers: Friday from 10:45 – 11:15

I will be sending home homework packets on Monday which will be due back the following Monday. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me on our Class Dojo app or via email at [email protected]. All communications from me will be posted on Class Dojo. If you are reading this blog, send me a sleigh emoji via classdojo!

Have a wonderful week! ?