Happy second Sunday of Advent. Today you can help your child “light” the second candle on the Advent wreath that they brought home.
We have a very exciting week ahead with our Christmas show this Thursday at 9:30am in the chapel. The children have worked so hard learning all of the words to the songs and are ready to sing them for you.
This week we will continue to focus on all things Christmas. We will be reading different Christmas stories including Snowmen and Christmas, and Pete the Cat Saves Christmas.
Our letter for this week is Jj. We will practice writing the letter Jj, make a list of Jj words, and have Jj show-and-tell on Friday.
Math this week will continue to be a review of concepts we have learned so far this year, including colors, shapes, and numbers 1-10.
For Jesus time we will talk about the birth of Jesus.
Have a blessed week everyone! Can’t wait to see everyone on Thursday!
This week’s specials:
Monday: Computers
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Christmas program!
Important dates coming up:
Soccer Shots is on Monday for those who have signed up. Pick up is at 4:00.
December 7th Layette item due. Children will be carrying their items during the Christmas show to give to baby Jesus so please make sure your child has an item.
December 8th Christmas program at 9:30
December 12th Abraham comfort dog visits
December 19th Christmas pjs and movie day
December 20th Ugly sweater and classroom Christmas party day
December 21 – January 2 Christmas recess