Can you believe we are in mid-November?…I can’t!
Last week was short but we packed in a lot of fun learning activities. We talked about leaves and the different colors and sizes they come in. We used the leaves we collected around the school as natures paintbrushes and painted with them.
This week we will be learning about the letter T, turkeys and feathers. I will be talking to the kids about fire safety too. They will be learning about stop, drop and roll, and how it is so important to never hide from a firefighter but to get outside. I will be bringing in some fire gear to show the children.
I will be reading “T is for Turkey” and “5 Silly Turkeys”.
For Jesus time we will talk about what it means to be thankful and about giving thanks to God for all he has given to us.
Please remember to check your child’s back pack daily because with he holidays coming there is going to be lots of important info.
The $6 Santa money is now due. Also please fill out the form for our feast and send it back ASAP.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Miss Mary and Miss Punam