Welcome back to a new week. I look forward to meeting with all of you at parent teacher conferences on Thursday. In the meantime, here are the class updates for the week.
6th Religion
This week we are continuing our study of the Israelites in the wilderness. We will study Korah’s Rebellion and the story of God providing water at Meribah. Both of these lessons will teach us the importance of trusting in God’s plans. The memory verse this week is Jeremiah 29:11, which is a reminder that God only wants good for His people.
6th Social Studies
The students will take their test on Topic 3: Ancient Egypt and Kush on Wednesday, November 16th. On Friday, the students will finally begin their research projects on Egyptian and Nubian monarchs.
7th Religion
The students will take their Unit 1 test on Tuesday, November 15th. There is no memory verse this week because of the unit test. On Wednesday, we will begin Unit 2, which will focus on the work of the Holy Spirit. This week we will specifically study Pentecost and the story of Onesimus.
7th Social Studies
This week we will begin Topic 3, which is leading up to the American Revolution. We will begin with the French and Indian War, and then the events and taxes that ensued.
8th Religion
In eighth grade religion, we are nearing the end of our study of Exodus. We will learn about how God demonstrated His power and authority with the story of Aaron’s staff budding and the people being healed by looking at the serpent on the pole with faith in God’s power. To end the week, we will study Moses’ last words to the Israelites before he died. There is no memory verse this week.
8th Social Studies
Last week, we started learning about the rise of corporations and the entrepreneurs known as the “Robber Barons”. This week we will learn about the labor movement that began due to deteriorating work conditions, and on a more positive note, the inventions that brought the U.S. into the 20th century. To sum up our lessons on business and monopolies, we will have a class Monopoly tournament on Friday. I have asked the students to bring in their game, if they have one.