Welcome back to a new week! Here are the updates.
6th Religion
This week we are focusing on Isaac’s son, Jacob. We will learn about the sibling rivalry gone very wrong between Jacob and Esau, and then what happened to Jacob when he fled from his brother. Later in the week we will study Jacob’s son, Joseph, who faced tremendous challenges when he also was the victim of sibling rivalry gone very wrong. The memory verse for this week is Psalm 121:8.
6th Social Studies
In social studies this week we are continuing to study the first civilization, Mesopotamia. The first half of the week will focus on culture, and the students will try writing in cuneiform on clay tablets, and then we will read about the Epic of Gilgamesh. Then, we will study the development of the first empires in Mesopotamia.
7th Religion
This week will focus on God’s Word. Through the story of Creation, we will learn about how God’s Word has been preserved through the years. Then, through the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration, we will learn about how we find things in the Bible. The memory verse for this week is John 20:31.
7th Social Studies
The test on Topic 1 will be on Tuesday, and then we will start study European colonization of North America, starting with the Spaniards.
8th Religion
This week we will study how the Israelites came to be in Egypt, through the story of Joseph and his brothers. Then we will learn about how God called Moses to deliver His people from slavery. The memory work this week is the Lord’s Prayer, which is posted on the Google Classroom, and can also be studied from Luther’s Small Catechism.
8th Social Studies
The test on Topic 8, the Civil War, is Tuesday. The students will then begin research projects on African Americans leaders from the Civil War era.