This Week…in the art room
*All students in Gr. 3-8 should be bringing a fully charged chrome book to art class. If there was an issue with your chrome book please see Mrs. Kerwin for your class’s code so you can join our Art Google Classroom.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS — ART CONTEST!!! Please make sure you read about the exciting Art Contest “Only Jesus: No Other Name” that is highlighted on the handout that went home with your child this week. Even though the contest is optional I strongly encourage your child to participate. There are prizes awarded to the winners of the different age categories! Should you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].
ECC Classes will enjoy a slide share presentation about the artist Claude Monet and his beautiful lily pond paintings.
Kindergarten has been working hard and doing so well drawing shapes and putting them together to draw other things like houses and people.
Grade 1 ~ will be finishing up their Rainbow Fish project this week. They will be using watercolor and adding sparkly glitter and a wiggly eye to their beautifully colored fish.
Grade 2 ~ it’s finally time to sponge paint all the beautiful fall colors onto our Autumn Activity drawings. You should see the wonderful trees our Second graders learned how to draw!
Grade 3 ~ will be designing a patterned border “quilt” for their Favorite Family Activity drawings inspired by the author and illustrator Faith Ringgold.
Grade 4 ~ is still busy creating their construction paper landscape collages.
Grade 5 ~ this class came in last week with some very creative character ideas to dress up their Candy Corn Character Collages.
Grade 6 ~ will learn about the artwork and style of French artist G. Seurat. Then they will learn how there is more than one use for a QTip….stay tuned!!!
Grade 7 ~ has started tearing, cutting and pasting down layers of tissue to design their Tissue Paper Collages.
Grade 8 ~ learned about the painting “The Scream” from Norwegian artist E. Munch and how it has influenced our culture in so many ways. Their task is to come up with a drawing that represents a type of phobia.
ART ELECTIVE ~ is almost finished painting their Fall wood tiles. They all look so different and definitely reflect the amazing artistic talents of this creative bunch of students!
Middle School Students will all be assigned their first drawing prompt homework assignment (in their Art Google Classrooms) to be completed in their Drawing Journals. Please make sure your child has a supply of crayons, markers and/or colored pencils at home to complete these homework assignments. The Drawing Journal assignments are due in class in two weeks. All Drawing Journal assignments are counted EQUAL to a project grade when your child’s art average is computed.
Enjoy the fall weather and Keep Creating!
Mrs. E. Kerwin