Our school year is off to an exciting start.  It was so nice to meet all of the children in the class last week and learn more about them.  All of the children seemed to adjust well to being in school by the end of last week.  This is going to be a very memorable year!

This week in class we will study, “All About Apples” through a variety of themed lessons and activities.  Please have your child pick out an apple (of any color-red, yellow or green) and bring it to school before Friday for homework.  We will be using the apples for many purposes this week.

In the science area, we plan to dissect some of the apples and look at the seeds and explore the life cycle of an apple tree.  We will use our senses to conduct an apple color taste test and we will go on an apple picking virtual field trip to an apple orchard.  We will mix up a batch of apple scented playdough to play with at table top time.  Our science center this week will also include a apple tree life cycle sequencing game for the children to enjoy as well.

In the art center, we will use some of the apples to create apple prints.  We will also be fingerpainting apple wall art and creating our own portraits with ten apples on our head.

In the math area, we will count apple votes on our apple taste test graph.  We will also count ten apples on top of our heads.  We will measure how many apples tall our classmates are and compare the results.  There will be an apple tree roll and count dice game available at center time too.  We will also learn to follow the measurements in a recipe while we make our own homemade yummy applesauce.

Literacy activities include a variety of stories about apples, Johnny Appleseed and stories about creation.  We will read a little about “Creation” and explore how God made the world and gave us fruit trees.  We will discuss letter Aa and it’s sounds while creating a letter A with bingo markers.

Music and movement is a great way to not only get out a preschooler’s energy, but also a great learning tool.  The children will be moving their bodies to the songs, “Way Up High In An Apple Tree,” “10 Apples On My Head,” “I love Apples,” “The Johnny Appleseed Grace” and “Jesus Loves Me”

Our exciting week filled with apples will end in a culminating activity which includes all of our Friday Nursery students.  We will work our little fingers while using plastic knife tools to chop up apples.  The apples pieces will be cooked into homemade applesauce.  The nursery class will enjoy their homemade treat together!

Thank you for all your efforts in getting our class off to a great start!  I am looking forward to another fun filled week and a great school year together!  If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me on class dojo or via email to [email protected].