This Week…in the art room
*All students in Gr. 3-8 should be bringing a fully charged chrome book to art class. If there was an issue with your chrome book please see Mrs. Kerwin for your class’s code so you can join our Art Google Classroom.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS — ART CONTEST!!! Please make sure you read about the exciting Art Contest “Only Jesus: No Other Name” that is highlighted on the handout that went home with your child this week. Even though the contest is optional I strongly encourage your child to participate. There are prizes awarded to the winners of the different age categories! Should you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].
The ECC4 & ECC5 art classes will be making a tissue paper apple tree to coincide with their fall unit on apples.
Kindergarten students will practice how to draw basic shapes. After a lesson on how to draw a person using shapes our Kindergarteners will draw a person and a house on their fall collages. *** Parents of Kindergarten students should have their children practice these skills at home.
Gr. 1 ~ First graders have been drawing different kinds of lines to complete their Rainbow Fish project. This week we will color in Rainbow Fish using oil pastels.
Gr. 2 ~ This class is working on an autumn activity drawing. After the drawings have been colored students will use small sponges to add fall-colored leaves to their trees.
Gr. 3 ~ Third graders have started drawing a favorite family activity inspired by Faith Ringgold’s book Tar Beach.
Gr. 4 ~ This class will learn how to use the element of space to create a construction paper collage landscape.
Gr. 5 ~ Our Fifth graders have started creating their Candy Corn Character collages this week.
Gr. 6 ~ The Sixth grade students will make their Drawing Journals out of empty cereal boxes.
Gr. 7 ~ Seventh graders will create a collage using tissue paper.
Gr. 8 ~ This class will learn about the Norwegian artist E. Munch’s artwork entitled Scream and the Expressionist style of art. The class will then have a discussion on the different types of fears/phobias people have. Students will be asked to draw a picture showing one person’s phobia, ex. fear of heights, snakes, spiders etc..
Art Elective ~ our first project will be a fall still life acrylic painting on wood.
Looking forward to meeting all our parents at Back to School Night on Tuesday evening!
Keep Creating ~
Mrs. E. Kerwin