Welcome back to our first full week of school! We are in full swing with each of the classes, so here are the updates for this week.
6th Religion
In religion this week, we will be studying the first family in the Bible: Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel. The main theme of these first few lessons is that even in the early days of His creation, people needed a Savior, and God was faithful and merciful in His Promise to send a Savior. The memory quiz is on Friday, and the verse is our verse for the year, 1 Corinthians 16:14.
6th Social Studies
This week we will be studying how the first people lived and eventually migrated to different places on earth. The main ideas we will cover are how people were affected by their environment, and how they adapted to their environment.
7th Religion
In religion this week, we will be answering the questions, “Who is God?” and “What can I know about God?” We will learn about God from the stories of God speaking to Elijah, and Paul preaching to the people of Athens at the Aeropagus. The memory quiz is on Wednesday, and the verse is our verse for the year, 1 Corinthians 16:14.
7th Social Studies
This week we will primarily focus on the first civilizations of the Americas, The Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. Then, we will study the different culture areas of North America and how the different tribes in those areas adapted to the environment in which they lived. Later in the week we will study the trade routes of Europe, Africa, and Asia, which eventually led to European exploration of North America.
8th Religion
In religion this week we will be studying the first part of the book of Genesis. We started studying Creation last week, and we will finish studying creation and Adam and Eve’s eventual fall into sin. Then, we will study the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel. The overarching theme of these lessons is that despite the sinful nature of people, God still has mercy on His people and takes care of us in all circumstances. The memory quiz is on Thursday, and the verse is our verse for the year, 1 Corinthians 16:14.
8th Social Studies
In social studies this week, we will be looking at the events that led to the split of the nation and the Civil War. We will specifically focus on the events of Bleeding Kansas, John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. As part of our unit, we will watch part of Ken Burns’ classic docuseries, The Civil War, called “Secessionitis.” At the end of the week, the students will research some of the main military leaders of both the Union and Confederacy to determine if they should be considered heroes or villains of history.