Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week:

Spelling- The new words for this week are: her, fern, girl, sir, stir, bird, fur, hurt, turn, third, begins, eight. The children will write their spelling words 3x each for homework and write 6 sentences, due by Thursday. Spelling Test will be given on Friday.

Phonics- controlled vowels: er, ir, ur

Reading: We will read the story, Amazing Animals this week. The children will read the story again at home. The vocabulary words are: baby, begins, eight, follow, learning, until, years, young. The Reading test will be given next Friday.

Math- finish chapter 8
Test next Tuesday, 3/29.

Science- Why do we have allergies?

Social Studies- American songs

Religions- Miracles of Jesus

Weekly Reader- In like a lion, Out like a lamb

1AA News

Happy Spring!

Report card for the 2nd trimester will be available to view this week.

Remind your child to complete all work in his/her neatest handwriting.

Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday at noon!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Flomer