Reading Language Arts-Spelling and Reading Test Friday 2/4
We will read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, a fictional story
Spelling Words include hens, eggs, ducks, bikes, boxes, wishes, dresses, names, bells, stamps, dishes, grapes, jets, frogs, stitches, fences
Vocabulary words discussed this week from the story include understand, gathered, impatient, impossible, believe, problem, demand, furious
Grammar Goal: compound sentences
Phonics Focus: Base words and endings -s, -es
Fluency: adding expression when reading
Math- Chapter 4 Test Wednesday 2/2
Social Studies-Chapter 2
Lesson 1 People, Places and Nature-making our own grid map
We continue to read and discuss a chapter book about Martin Luther King Jr.
Chinese New Year and Black History Month begin on Tuesday
What do you KNOW about SNOW?
Groundhog Day is Tuesday
Mystery Science
Cursive begins- we will focus on basic beginning cursive strokes
Keys to legibility are size, shape, spacing and slant! Handwriting is important and strengthens our fine motor skills! Neatness counts!
Stories for the week will include Jesus is Baptized and Jesus Calls His Disciples
Chapel Wednesday morning
Important Information and News:
•Thank you to everyone who sent in sock donations for the homeless.
•Spirit Week was fun this past week here at Trinity! Thanks for joining in the fun!
•At home, children should continue practicing their math addition facts. Please use flash cards or simply ask simple fact questions whenever you have a minute or two to practice. Make it fun!
•We are writing in our journals nightly. Please encourage as much independence as possible. Reinforce rereading sentences to proofread. Does/Do my sentence(s) make sense? Did I add punctuation and capital letters where necessary? Have I written at least 3 sentences to answer the prompt? Have I reviewed and checked my “checklist?”
•*If your son or daughter has a hard time completing homework, please let me know so I can reinforce the concept in school the following day. Thank you!
•Are YOU interested in becoming a MYSTERY READER? If so, please email me so we can set up a date and time for you to “Zoom” in and share a book with our class! We hope everyone will take part in this fun activity and spend some time with us! Thank you to all of the new volunteers! We can’t wait to share a book with you!
• Please remember to send in extra masks for your son/daughter just in case a backup is needed!
• Please be sure your son/daughter has an extra uniform sweater to wear inside. Now that winter is upon us, please be sure all hats, gloves and mittens are labeled with names please!
• Please have a conversation with your son/daughter if they need a refreshment of supplies such as crayons, colored pencils, regular pencils, glue sticks….
If ever you have a question or concern, please email me at [email protected].
Bless our week ahead!
Mrs. Antonia Ryan